Our Process

Initial Design

After receiving your electricity bill, our partners will design systems optimal for your home.



We meet with you to discuss your options and start the process. After the agreement is signed we will take over from here.

Initial Inspection

A preliminary site inspection will ensure the required equipment can be installed.


Finalized Design

A secondary site inspection will finalize the design and start the permitting process.

Building Permit

The design and engineering plans will be submitted to your local building department to obtain the necessary permits.

Installing the System

Once the utility permits us to install the system, we will schedule an installation date and the system will get installed. The installation will almost always take less than one day.

City Inspection

An inspection from the city will be requested. Once the inspection is complete, a meter will be installed and your system will be ready to turn on.


Activate your System 

Flip the switch to turn on your system and begin generating renewable energy while saving a fortune.

Go Solar Now!

Contribute to a sustainable future while saving thousand of dollars